/* v1.2.0 */ (function() { "use strict"; var LoadManager = (function() { var LoadManager = {}, preLoadedPages = [], annotationsPages, annotationsContainers = [], config; (function() { var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); request.open('GET', 'annotations.json', true); request.onload = function() { if (request.status >= 200 && request.status < 400) { annotationsPages = JSON.parse(request.responseText).pages; initPreloadedPages(); } }; request.send(); })(); var initPreloadedPages = function() { if (preLoadedPages.length) { for (var i = 0; i < preLoadedPages.length; i++) { initPage(preLoadedPages[i]); } preLoadedPages = []; } }; var initPage = function(page) { var pageContainer = document.getElementById("page" + page); var annotationsContainer = document.createElement("div"); annotationsContainer.className = "page-inner"; annotationsContainer.setAttribute("style", "position: absolute; visibility: hidden;"); annotationsContainer.style.width = pageContainer.style.width; annotationsContainer.style.height = pageContainer.style.height; 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ActionHandler.register = function(types, events, handler) { for (var i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < events.length; j++) { handlers[events[j]].push({ type: types[i], handler: handler }); } } }; ActionHandler.onclick = function(data, config) { for (var i = 0; i < handlers.click.length; i++) { if (data.type === handlers.click[i].type) { handlers.click[i].handler.onclick.apply(this, [data, config]); } } }; ActionHandler.onmouseover = function(data, config) { for (var i = 0; i < handlers.mouseover.length; i++) { if (data.type === handlers.mouseover[i].type) { handlers.mouseover[i].handler.onmouseover.apply(this, [data, config]); } } }; ActionHandler.onmouseout = function(data, config) { for (var i = 0; i < handlers.mouseout.length; i++) { if (data.type === handlers.mouseout[i].type) { handlers.mouseout[i].handler.onmouseout.apply(this, [data, config]); } } }; ActionHandler.ontouchstart = function(data, config) { for (var i = 0; i < handlers.touchstart.length; i++) { if (data.type === handlers.touchstart[i].type) { handlers.touchstart[i].handler.ontouchstart.apply(this, [data, config]); 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break; case "Launch": if (config.enableLaunchActions) { window.open("../" + data.action.target, "_blank"); } break; } } }; ActionHandler.register(["Link", "Widget", "TextLink"], ["click", "mouseover"], LinkActionHandler); })(); (function() { var FileAttachmentHandler = {}; FileAttachmentHandler.onmouseover = function() { this.style.cursor = "pointer"; }; FileAttachmentHandler.onclick = function(data) { window.open(data.attachment, "_blank"); }; ActionHandler.register(["FileAttachment"], ["click", "mouseover"], FileAttachmentHandler); })(); (function() { var PopupHandler = {}, currentPopup, isMobile; var createPopup = function(data) { if (data["contents"] && data["objref"]) { var boundingRect = document.querySelector("[data-objref='" + data.objref + "']").getBoundingClientRect(); var midX = ((boundingRect.right - boundingRect.left) / 2) + boundingRect.left; var bottomY = boundingRect.bottom; var element = document.createElement("div"); element.dataset.parentRef = data.objref; element.setAttribute("style", "position: fixed; 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currentPopup = null; } }; PopupHandler.onclick = function(data) { if (isMobile) { // For mobile/tablet (touch screens) if (currentPopup) { var currentRef = currentPopup.dataset.parentRef; currentPopup.parentNode.removeChild(currentPopup); currentPopup = null; if (currentRef !== data.objref) { currentPopup = createPopup(data); } } else { currentPopup = createPopup(data); } } }; PopupHandler.ontouchstart = function() { isMobile = true; }; ActionHandler.register(["Text", "Line", "Square", "Circle", "Polygon", "PolyLine", "Highlight", "Underline", "Squiggly", "StrikeOut", "Stamp", "Caret", "Ink", "FileAttachment", "Redact", "Projection"], ["click", "mouseover", "mouseout", "touchstart"], PopupHandler); })(); (function() { var RichMediaHandler = {}; RichMediaHandler.onmouseover = function() { this.style.cursor = "pointer"; }; RichMediaHandler.onclick = function(data) { if (data.richmedia.length) { var isVideo = data.richmedia[0].type.startsWith("video"); var newElement = document.createElement(isVideo ? "video" : "audio"); newElement.setAttribute("style", "position: absolute; object-fit: fill; visibility: visible;"); newElement.setAttribute("controls", "controls"); newElement.style.left = data.bounds[0] + "px"; newElement.style.top = data.bounds[1] + "px"; newElement.style.width = data.bounds[2] + "px"; newElement.style.height = data.bounds[3] + "px"; newElement.title = data.type; newElement.dataset.objref = data.objref; for (var i = 0; i < data.richmedia.length; i++) { var src = document.createElement("source"); src.setAttribute("src", data.richmedia[i].src); src.setAttribute("type", data.richmedia[i].type); newElement.appendChild(src); } this.parentNode.replaceChild(newElement, this); } }; ActionHandler.register(["RichMedia"], ["click", "mouseover"], RichMediaHandler); })(); (function() { var ScreenHandler = {}; ScreenHandler.onmouseover = function() { this.style.cursor = "pointer"; }; ScreenHandler.onclick = function(data) { if (data.action) { var newElement = document.createElement("video"); newElement.setAttribute("style", "position: absolute; object-fit: fill; visibility: visible;"); newElement.setAttribute("controls", "controls"); newElement.style.left = data.bounds[0] + "px"; newElement.style.top = data.bounds[1] + "px"; newElement.style.width = data.bounds[2] + "px"; newElement.style.height = data.bounds[3] + "px"; newElement.title = data.type; newElement.dataset.objref = data.objref; var src = document.createElement("source"); src.setAttribute("src", data.action.media.src); src.setAttribute("type", data.action.media.type); newElement.appendChild(src); this.parentNode.replaceChild(newElement, this); newElement.play(); } }; ActionHandler.register(["Screen"], ["click", "mouseover"], ScreenHandler); })(); (function() { var createAnnotation = function(container, data, config) { var annotation = document.createElement("div"); annotation.setAttribute("style", "position: absolute; visibility: visible; -webkit-user-select: none;"); annotation.style.left = data.bounds[0] + "px"; annotation.style.top = data.bounds[1] + "px"; annotation.style.width = data.bounds[2] + "px"; annotation.style.height = data.bounds[3] + "px"; if (data.objref) { annotation.dataset.objref = data.objref; } if (data.appearance) { annotation.style.backgroundImage = "url('" + data.appearance + "')"; annotation.style.backgroundSize = "100% 100%"; } container.appendChild(annotation); annotation.addEventListener("click", function() { ActionHandler.onclick.apply(this, [data, config]); }); annotation.addEventListener("mouseover", function() { ActionHandler.onmouseover.apply(this, [data, config]); }); annotation.addEventListener("mouseout", function() { ActionHandler.onmouseout.apply(this, [data, config]); }); annotation.addEventListener("touchstart", function() { ActionHandler.ontouchstart.apply(this, [data, config]); }); }; LoadManager.setLoadFunction(createAnnotation); })(); })();